Working in CMS
Information can be found on:
- CMS as a Collaboration
CMS is a Collaboration of over 200 institutions from over 43 countries. More information on the demography of CMS can be found on the CMS Public Website. The team leader of each institution is responsible for the members of his/her team in CMS.
The CMS Management Board chaired by the CMS Spokesperson, is responsible for directing the CMS experiment following the policies of the CMS Collaboration Board.
The Spokesperson represents the Collaboration in dealing with other organizations and committees, while the CMS Collaboration Board is the governing body of the experiment that makes all major decisions. The Management Board includes the Project Managers of the different subdetectors and the Coordination areas, such as Physics, Trigger, Physics Performance and DataSet (PPD), and Offline & Computing.The conveners you will most probably interact with are the L2 and L3 conveners, who typically organize meetings every 1 or 2 weeks. The groups led by L2 conveners are the Physics Analysis Groups (PAGs) and Physics Object Groups (POGs) in Physics Coordination, Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) in PPD, Detector Performance Groups (DPGs) of the different subdetectors, etc. The L3 conveners lead "working groups" and report to the L2 conveners. This structure is partially reflected in the structure of the CMS indico pages.
Weekly General MeetingThe Weekly General Meeting (WGM) takes place every Thursday at 16:00 CERN time. At this meeting the CMS spokesperson reports on the overall status of CMS, including operations at P5, upgrades, physics, publications, conferences, and news from the management. This is a very general presentation to keep all CMS members informed of ongoing activities in all areas. Additional presentations are sometimes given to discuss topical subjects. It is highly recommended to follow this meeting on a regular basis.
- Infrastucture and Safety
Office request
If you don't have any office already attributed by your supervisor upon arrival, you can proceed with a request for building 42 by sending an email to CMS secretariat.
More information the CMS Secretariat Website.
Key request / Electronic access
Once you have an office allocated to you, you can request a physical key or electronic access with your CERN card, depending on the type of lock in the office.
More information the CMS Secretariat Website and on the Locks and Keys Service.
CERN phone service
You can request a Fixe line or a Mobile subscription.
More information the CMS Secretariat Website and on the CERN IT webpages.
Please consult the Safety Website.
Dosimetry Service
CERN Medical Service - CERN Mobility
All actvities related to transportation of people on or between the CERN sites - Subsistence Allowance and other payments
If you are entitled to receive payments from CERN during your stay at CERN, please make sure that your bank details are properly registered by filling out this EDH form (once you have a CERN Computing Account).
More information can be found in the CERN Admin guide:
Registration of bank details
Payment and reimbursement formsAs CERN payments are in Swiss Francs, it is important to make sure your bank will be able to receive this currency.
For payments initiated by the CMS collaboration, please contact Sara Bejaj in (40-5-B05) or Kirsti Aspola (in 40-5-A24)
- CERN Attestations
If you need an attestation from CERN, please consult the Attestation Website.