
Short-Term Internships (up to one month)

Those traineeships are job shadowing placements lasting up to one month ("Statut External"). For trainees under 18, the maximum duration of such a placement is limited to two weeks.

These placements are not paid.

The applicant should send the following duly completed documents to the CMS Secretariat:

Long-Term Internships (more than one month)

Students who wish to undertake a traineeship at CERN submit their application through the e-recruitment system (Smartrecruiters).

This placement should be paid.

Supervisors who wish to host a trainee will need to contact the Short-term internships Service (HR Department).

The service will send supervisors clear instructions via e-mail and grant them access to the job in the e-recruitment system.
The procedure for selecting a trainee is described in the document How to select a trainee with SmartRecruiters.

The trainee receives a monthly subsistence allowance of 1510 CHF, charged to the group budget.

The complete information could be find on the admin-eguide webpages.