Visa FAQ
Move from Swiss to France - Long term Visa
If a collaborators is leaving in Switerzland and wants to move in France he will have to wait 3 months before to be able to apply for the french visa in Geneva.
He will have to request a NOTE VERBALE (with Swiss address and swiss phone number) and provide the CMS secretariat with a copy of his swiss card.
Than creation of the of EDH local Addresse Change
Move from France to Swiss - Long term Visa
No problem, nothing specific documents to provice.
Creation of the of EDH local Addresse Change
Move from/to Swiss to/from France - Short term Visa
No problem, nothing specific documents to provice.
Creation of the of EDH local Addresse Change
Familly matters
Coming to CERN at the same time: The CMS secreatariat can provide all the officials documents and include the family (see the specific templates).
Coming to CERN when the CMS collaborators is already at CERN:
Short term: They will have to proceed by themself with the request of Visa but we create a template that they can fill by themselves which will help the process.
Long term: For France only NOTE VERBALE (for Spouse, Children, and sometimes parents of the collaborators).
For Swiss nothing specific. For the parents of the collaborators, is there a justification (illness, etc....) he can contact the Relation Secretariat for help.
Duration of stay matters
If a collaborators has a multiple entry visa the maximum of stay is 90 days in 6 months. The is NO POSSIBILITY to stay more with this C-type, they should apply for a long term visa.
Where to live
With a french visa only in FRANCE
With a swiss visa only in SWITZERLAND
Can I travel in the Schengen Area ?
With all the type of visa (C-type and D-type) you can travel in the Schengen Area.
Why the D-type visa is only for 3 months ?
All D-type visa are generated for 3 months. The reason is that upon arrival the collaborators will have to request a French or Swiss resident permit card which will replace the D-type Visa.